Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fashion Diva Turns 7

We decorated our own fashion mirrors, then went inside and made some snazzy flip flops!


Then - our make up
and hair
now - we walk the runway!

The Mouse

A favorite summer play place of the children is The Mouse - not the really cool one in Orlando, just the one that makes bad, expensive pizza at the Chuck E Cheese.

A few times over the summer, we have met friends there to play.

I like that they have coke on tap - where I refill my drink by myself. And they have air conditioning.

The kids like it all - the playground, the games, the tokens, the big cheese, the videos......everything!

Six Flags

We always seem to visit Six Flags on the hottest day of the year!

I can assure you that Skull Island was my favorite part - let the heat subside and the water glide....everywhere!

As we exited the park (with farewell music playing loudly over the speakers), we ran into Wonder Woman.

Xander stopped.

And stared.

And stared.

Then, we got behind college boys (really - a whole line of young men waiting to have their picture taken with Wonder Woman). Xander smiled BIG - and insisted I take several - "just in case."

She was hot - and not the its a 98 degrees out hot. I'm sure she hasn't given birth to two children......or at least that's what I'm telling myself.

Summer of Livin on a Prayer

This summer will forever be remembered as the summer of Livin on a Prayer.

We gave Tommy Guitar Hero World Tour for father's day and the house favorite is Bon Jovi's Livin on a Prayer.



I have one child who LOVES chores. Xander. He has always been eager to help - would rather be under my feet helping me than off alone.

And one child who avoids them like the plague. Mikaela.

I have tried lots of systems - chore charts, chore picture guides, chore cards.

This fall - I'm going to try this: (thank you D for the link!)


Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day Tommy!

Happy Birthday Gracie

Happy birthday Gracie!

Pretty, Pretty Princess

We are blessed. Truly blessed. I try to make a mental list of those blessings every day.

Truthfully, there are days where that list keeps me sane.....or at least in the vicinity of sane.

This dress provided Mikaela with hours of entertainment on one summer afternoon (and many thereafter!).

We are blessed to have such great friends - one of my scrappy pals was generous enough to give this to Mikaela (THANKS M - we love it!!!).


Two snorkels from last years summer clearance $0.50

One hour of happy children.....priceless

Step One: Create Invitations

My princess knows how to throw a party. She begins months in advance - choosing a theme.

The day after her birthday party last year - she chose this year's theme.

Her frugal shopping mother LOVES this about her! I had a full year to gather supplies for the great Fashion Show of 2009.

She hand made each invitation with her scrapbooking supplies.

Make up, dress up, glamor galor

Those are the things that I truly adore

Walk the Runway

At Mikaela’s Super 7th Birthday!

We’ll get a chance to show off our style

This party is sure to make any diva smile!

Please join us for an afternoon of

girlie glamor, glitter and giggles!

My New Dining Room Walls

Tommy has many talents.

One of my favorites is that the man can paint a wall. He can transform a room from a dingy mess to sparkly new dining room.

Just like that.

AND - as an added bonus, he is sharing the gift with the children.

So the momma will always have freshly painted pretty walls!

Summer Days

Little boys play hard.

and fall asleep fast.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Birthday my sweet Mikaela

Mikaela - the day she was born - never was there a prouder father! Tommy waited nine months to find out that she was a girl, and wanted that movie style moment where you run into the waiting room and tell all the awaiting new aunts/uncles, grandparents, cousins..."It's a ?????"
He was rendered speechless by her arrival....and wouldn't let go of her!

Mikaela's second birthday - that sweet baby she is kissing is her brother!

our little independence babe - her second birthday!
and...it was an Elmo party
4th birthday - it's a Gymboree party!
5th - our annual trip to the mall of Georgia fountain
5th annual breakfast at Krispie Kreme - where they make donuts just for her birthday!!!!

6th - Girls Rock Party!
6th - Krispie Kreme breakfast