Sunday, January 3, 2010

Daddy's Perspective of 2009: Xander

Alexander Hayden Thrailkill:
Daddy’s Perspective of 2009
1. You are doing a great job reading. I love hearing you read the BOB books when you go to bed.
2. I can’t believe what a great football player you’re becoming. I was very proud to see you wearing #77 on the field.
3. Of course, you are constantly making heads turn every time you enter the room due to your fancy sense of style.
4. I really enjoy seeing you playing outside and running around. You are getting very fast and strong.
5. We both still enjoy playing and watching superheroes. The other day you and I spent about 30 minutes in a book store looking at comic books together. I hope this continues.
6. You’ve gone from play wrestling with me in the living room to Folk Style wrestling on the mat. I’m proud to say that I am you first official wrestling coach. Keep up the good work.
7. You’ve progressed musically this year. We’ve played so much Rock Band and Guitar Hero that you now want a drum kit. I pray that music is something you will continue to enjoy through the years.
8. You and I have really spent a lot of time together this past year. I am looking forward to spending even more time with in 2010.

Daddy's letter last year

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