As usual when I sit down to write to you each year, I am suddenly at a loss for words. You leave me speechless. You continue to be such an amazing blessing to me.
This year has been full of challenges and changes for the both of us. In January, you began the year as a first grader at Walnut Grove Elementary. Your teacher, Mrs. Herrick, returned from having her baby. You had many great experiences at school. You enjoyed having best friends to play with on the playground - Maggie and Brittany especially. My heart continued to break for you - as you and I both still cried most days in carpool. "Big school" proved to still be a challenge for us both. Never had you and I been apart so much in so many ways. Xman and I loved coming to have lunch with you.

I am so proud of the young lady that you are growing into. Every day you inspire me to be a better mom - to model for you the type of woman I want you to grow up to be. What an amazing responsibility - and gift! This year you have really focused on improving your manners. It is such a delight to hear that you always respond with "yes mam" or "no sir" when we hear you talking with adults. I know that the level of respect that you show others will be returned to you.

Children are a blessing and a gift from the LORD.
I pray for you every day - for your spiritual, physical and academic growth, for God's blessing on our time together, and a prayer of thankfulness that God gave me you. To enjoy, to love, to teach, to be silly with, to jump high on the trampoline with, to get messy doing crafts with, to rediscover a good book reading with, to remember that pillows and blankets are for tent building to, to remind me that rain feels amazing when dropping on your tongue, to teach me how to wear make up, to show me blindness to diversity, to snuggle on the couch with, and to keep me thinking.
Mikaela Grace, I love you beeches to sneeches, tickles to giggles.
Always and forever.
I pray for you every day - for your spiritual, physical and academic growth, for God's blessing on our time together, and a prayer of thankfulness that God gave me you. To enjoy, to love, to teach, to be silly with, to jump high on the trampoline with, to get messy doing crafts with, to rediscover a good book reading with, to remember that pillows and blankets are for tent building to, to remind me that rain feels amazing when dropping on your tongue, to teach me how to wear make up, to show me blindness to diversity, to snuggle on the couch with, and to keep me thinking.
Mikaela Grace, I love you beeches to sneeches, tickles to giggles.
Always and forever.

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