For Xman's birthday we completed one act of kindness a day for six days - yeah, sort of a twist on our theme! I felt like he would benefit more from really focusing on one act at a time.
Xman's Six Random Acts of Kindness:
1 - We donated a book bag (of his choice that he was willling to part with) filled with new school supplies for the foster kids of our county for back to school.
2 - We gathered some of his Transformers items, as well as some outgrown pajamas for a little boy we love who doesn't have as many things as he does. We also went shopping together and bought new shorts and t-shirts for him to have.
3 - We froze a water bottle and put it out in the late morning (about half an hour before the mail man came) for our mail man on a particularly hot day the week of his birthday. Tommy happened to pass the mailman on his way back in from an errand and commented that he was drinking a water bottle!
4 - On Xman's actual birthday while tubing he and I said a full kind sentence to every one we passed. We also stopped and helped all the stuck people! As in many of our outings, we were all focused on helping Xman bless those around us and he was blessed. While wandering through a toy store, Xman struck up a conversation with the owner. He listened intently while the older gentleman described how he made the toys in the shop. He took time to teach Xman how to use several of the toys, and even gave him a wooden toy as a birthday gift. I am grateful that we are teaching the children that often time is a valuable gift - taking the time to linger and really listen to someone can bless their day.
5 - We made a donation to the food pantry at our church. I think this one is one of my favorites as I want the children to see how we can give out of our blessings.
6 - We picked up trash in our church parking lot the week of his birthday. We model that we never step on or over trash - we always pick it up. But this week we went a little further in seeking out trash.
I am so proud of Xman for choosing to give so freely - of his joyful spirit, of his things, and of his time!
1 comment:
I love this idea! What a huge impact on the kids, and the people that you blessed by doing this! I may have to steal the idea!! Thanks for sharing, I always love reading your blog!!
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