Xander choosing a puzzle off our newly organized bookcase - close to the table, where puzzles work best
The boys - Eliot is at our train table, Xander has chosen cars from the toy organizer and is playing on the car mat
Eliot in the car center
Our new entertainment section - small love seat, bean bag chair, and some floor pillows, TV, and a bookshelf filled with videos
The dollhouse station - not quite where I would love it (currently in front of our art cabinet....)
Our new stage - to the left, the dress up cabinet - filled with our favorite costumes and props - and we hung a curtain to create a sense of drama!
Payton enjoying our art table - a bucket with crayons, a bucket with blank paper and a large assortment of coloring books, and right in front of the window for some natural lighting!
Elizabeth in our dress up stage centerI really should quit reading magazines - but that carpool line in the afternoon can take a long time - and really a magazine is all you can focus on with multiple kids in car seats in the mini-van.
Every magazine I read these days seems to have the "Ultimate Playroom" - and I can assure you that none of them look anything like our basement fortress.
But, slowly but surely we are a work in progress. I keep tearing out those magazine pages of the
perfect playroom and hoping that one day we will be close!
Xander and I moved things around a little and have created a sense of sections...............and I think we are getting closer every day!
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