Every girl knows that getting ready to go out on a date is WAY more time consuming than the date will ever be.
Mikaela invited Tommy to take her to the Daddy Daughter dance at school - Friday, March 13.
She has been beside herself - so very excited.
Tommy dances in the kitchen while he does dishes - after you absorb the fact that he does dishes (his loading the dishwasher skills need MUCH work - but a girl does not complain about dishes around here) - then, yes....dances...in our kitchen.
In our entire time together, I have danced with him less than 10 times. Our first dance was to Brown Eyed girl and I will share that it is amazing after that evening out in Buckhead that either of us remember it. Our second dance came at our first real date - at some hotel in Atlanta at a Singles dance (we bought tickets to all go as friends a few months before we starting dating). There was a wedding (Tommy's sister Tracie), .....and then our wedding (to At Last by Etta James....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADDigK8LwyE)....and somewhere in there I was a bridesmaid a time or two.
Tommy says when he dances that he looks like a brick wall swaying from side to side - let's just leave it at that.
But, in our kitchen - the man has moves. He plays air guitar, he does an assortment of going fishing, playing basketball and other odd things he assures us are dance moves.
In light of this background information, you will see why our dear sweet Mikaela felt forced to make a list of the "Don'ts"- she gave Tommy a list of seven things (though I think she could easily have come up with 10 with some imagination!) that he must not, under any circumstance do at the dance at her school.
1. Don't play air guitar on your leg
2. Don't play air guitar on your head
3. Don't dribble a pretend basketball
4. Don't act like you're fishing when you're not
5. Don't play air guitar in the air
6. Don't try to do cool dances that you don't know
7. Don't
The weekend before the dance Tommy and I went shopping for outfits. He chose Mikaela's dress - so sweet, and then we bought him a matching polo shirt.
On the day of the dance, Mikaela and I packed and re-packed her purse (a pink "God's Little Princess" handbag) - lip gloss, tissues, money ( you never know), and her list.
The Nana came and bless her as she knows about rolling hair and hair spray and hair...all things hair.
Mikaela exclaimed "Daddy isn't going to be able to believe how beautiful I am!"
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