Fishing in the Rainforest

Performing a show in the Theatre

Playing majesty musical chairs

Building your own castle

Fairy Tale Stories

Castle Puzzles

The Great Hall
Can you make a great feast as the castle cook?

Tailor's Workshop
What does a tailor do? Can you do it too?

Carpenter's Workshop
Can you build a table and chairs?

Make your own dragon puppet
http://www.childrensmuseumatlanta.org/Enter the Magical Era of nobles and knights, lords, ladies, and Jesters .....Explore the museum's amazing castle!
Follow your young prince or princess (or in our case dragon) into a world adventure and lore, fantasy and history.
We had a great time enjoying the Amazing castle exhibit!!!
Though one of my favorite moments came as we drove into Atlanta, on I-85, and Xander exclaimed "Mommy - I see the castles!!!"
Those castles....the Atlanta skyline....the skyscrapers and big buildings!
See all our pictures at: