NEVER - and I mean NEVER has a little boy been more excited about anything than Xander has the arrival of his new bunk beds.
For the last two weeks, we have counted down the number of days until his new beds come.
In the last week, he has told EVERYONE we have encountered "In 2 more days I am getting new bunk beds - big boy bunk beds!"
And at last, today the great Nana, PaPa and Daddy delivered the new bunk beds.
And they were just as exciting as we thought they would be.
Xander and I have thought long and hard over the placement of each item into his new big boy room. All action figures have been sorted (and I took pictures of each bin, printed them, and posted them so he can put them all away....all by himself!), all missing pieces to all items have been located and put in their proper place, all items not worthy of big boy status have been thrown away, tagged or donated.
And now, each pencil, notebook and sticker have its place in his new desk - attached to his new bunk beds.
Each book has a rightful home on his new bookcase- inside his new bunk beds.
Our pjs have been folded and put away in our reach - in our new drawers, in our new bunk beds.
And lastly, we placed each webkinz and superman on the shelf, right next to his head, in his new bunk beds.
Happiness is so catching.......I might have to sleep on that top bunk tonight.....
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