We had a blast this past week at the Ringling Brothers circus at Phillips Arena.
We began our outing to the city with a necessary stop at the Varsity! YUMMY! Hats for all - and hot dogs....Xander has a thing for the onion rings (might have to start ordering him his own order!). Mikaela ate TWO hot dogs and her fries.
Xander said the blessing - he always is so cute, says it loud enough for all of Atlanta.
After we ate, this man approached Xander - shook his hand and said he hasn't seen a child say the blessing with such a kind heart in a long time.
Gave him $20 to buy a prize.
I tried to give it back, and he wouldn't take it. I am still amazed at the generosity of strangers. And touched, that others are touched by my children. Maybe I am doing an okay job parenting them after all - I'll keep praying just in case:)!
Then, off to Phillips Arena.
We located our seats - oh my - we sat in direct view of the music section - Xander LOVED that! We could see the keyboards, the horns, and the drums - definitely the drums!
Next, we headed down to the floor to see the pre-show. So much fun! The kids got cool clown noses, dressed up in the circus attire, sat on horses (wooden) and motorcycles (real), and interacted with the performers.
Then, a quick trip to the snack section. I will save my ranting about the circus prices (who pays $20 for light up toys at the circus....?????) - and just say that the nice man at the Varsity bought each child a snow cone in a souvenir cup. A yummy treat and a souvenir in one!
The circus was so cool - more fun than I remembered.
The clowns were a family fave - even for Tommy. Clowns now look like alternative high schoolers (see the picture of Xander with the guitar case toting clown above). They are funny - really funny. Not so funny two days later when the kids are still qouting all the jokes, but still humorous.
Xander loved the motorcycles - seven motorcycles in one big ball cage - at the same time (see the video if you can!).
Mikaela liked the beautiful girls (not so great for self images for the mommy people - really who is that skinny and that limber?) - but very cool if you are six and don't know better.
I thought the contortionist guy was a little freaky - but did really enjoy the elephants - so cute!
Daddy was suprised at how much fun he had -
We all enjoyed singing along with the clowns and all the opportunities for crowd participation.
All in all, the greatest show on earth.
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