Saturday the children and I packed up our Santa letters and headed out to deliver them in person.
After a lengthy discussion of why we could not go to the North Pole, or why there would be no snow at the mall, or why we couldn't climb on the roof to check out Santa's sleigh - you see where this is going?
Mind you that we could not begin our adventure (in the cold and rain) without dressing Rosi and Toni, loading their diaper bag and double stroller, and buckling them in their car seats. For those of you who have not yet met our American Girl Twins, Rosi and Toni are the adorably dressed dolls!
We arrived at the mall along with all the other citizens of Athens GA promptly at lunch time on Saturday. We unbuckled the twins, loading them in their double stroller, decided that they did not need a diaper bag for this short outing (okay so that was a mommy declaration), grasped our letters tight in hand and braved the parking lot.
The line was short - just long enough to review our wish list. Mikaela wanted a My Little Pet Shop Diary and Xander wanted a Superman. Mommy is smiling.
Xander has never seen Santa - not up close, he and Santa aren't tight like that.
Mommy is sure that we are saving $20 as we will not need a picture of children who won't get close enough for one.
Xander marches right up to Santa and announces "I want a talking bird for Christmas." Yes, a talking bird. Not the superman afore mentioned. Not the pirate ship on his letter in his hand. But, a talking bird. To which Santa nodded.
Mikaela makes her request for the Littlest Pet Shop diary. Thank you Mikaela.
Both children climb up for a picture - the first picture in 5 years where no one is crying.
Mommy happily hands over her $20.
Merry Christmas Mommy!
Our adventure at the mall is followed by shopping and a nice lunch out at Red Lobster. Where what to our wandering eyes should appear - but Santa and Mrs. Claus eating shrimp! Xander spent our whole meal providing us with Santa updates "Santa is eating salad mommy", "Santa is drinking soda mommy", "Santa is still eating mommy", "Where is his sleigh mommy?", "Santa is having more lunch mommy."
We respectfully waited for Santa to finish his meal, and went over to say thank you for the generous goody bags he sent our way during our meal. Xander not only thanked him, but reminded him that he wanted a talking bird:)!
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