We spent a Saturday afternoon at Stone Mountain Park for their Christmas festival this year. So much fun!!!! Mommy and daddy are getting smarter - they brought two strollers for the tired little legs.
We started out at the 4D Polar Express Movie - yes, 4D! A box of popcorn, some too cool glasses and we were ready. The movie begins as the train arrives to pick up the little boy - as the train arrives, your seat begins to shake as if you were riding the train too. We felt the wet water from the ice as the train slid around on its way, we felt the puffs of wind from the speed of the train, and it even snowed as we left the North Pole!
After the movie, we headed into Santa's village. The kids made reindeer hats, Christmas tree ornaments, and even had the opportunity to decorate a cookie. We passed on seeing Santa - we got close, but no picture ops this time. Hey - he already knew we wanted a talking bird and pet shop diary, why take up his time again?
Off to shoot snowballs - look at that arm on Mikaela!
We had a snack in the Chicken restaurant while we waited for the snow angel. She was well worth the wait - she arrived even in the rain. She let us take our picture with her, and then Mikaela really needed the same snow wand. Push a button, hear the twirly music, see the pretty lights, close your eyes and pretend you can see the snow too!
Xander chose a Christmas train puzzle for his prize of the day - big surprise!
Next we rode the Sing a Long Christmas carol train - around the mountain to a little Deck the Halls (the worse you sing, the louder you should participate!). A family favorite was the light show presentation of The Twelve Days of Christmas. Mikalea adores the "5 golden rings" while her brother is partial to the "Twelve drummers drumming."
We ended our evening around the bonfire (still in the rain) watching the laser show.