Yes, my sweet baby had his whole hand birthday this summer.
His WHOLE hand birthday....ALREADY?
It seems like it was just yesterday I was chasing him around the house as he was crawling and getting into everything - wait, that WAS just yesterday!

And the birthday boy was quickly transformed into the Dark Knight Batman

"Yes - Star Wars.....MAN.....just what I always wanted." Score one for the momma.......and a wicked Target clearance find!

More batman

This might just be the coolest hat EVER.

It's my birthday - and yes, my mommy made me my annual birthday poster. A tradition started with the first birthday as a cheap decoration has turned into an annual affair. The poster gets moved from party decoration to a door covering until your next birthday when hopefully I will be struck by the creative gene again.

Birthday pancakes - complete with candle.

Cash in a card is always well received.

Gotta love that wrapping paper

Birthday boy

My boys headed to the Gwinnett Braves game to celebrate Xman's birthday as only manly men do - baseball, hot dogs and soda.
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