Tuesday, May 19, 2009

3rd Lost Tooth

I will confess - I am all about the magic. I love Santa Claus, the Easter bunny and even our chick - the tooth fairy.

Kids grow up so fast - I love letting the fantasy linger, enjoying the pure joy of believing in something that you can not see.

And so, I get just as excited as Mikaela each time she looses a tooth.

You may remember that the dear daddy pulled the first two when they were loose.

Not this time - Ms. Independence baby decided that SHE was going to be the one to pull this one. It hung on by a thread for two days - waiting.

Finally, Tuesday (5/12) she came home from ballet, and pulled it out - all by HERSELF!

The tooth fairy arrived that evening and brought a fairy pin (her favorite fairy......whose name does now escape me) and $2.

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