Because driving with the children long distances can be...........a challenge? We decided to stay in a hotel in Dilliard, GA and make the drive back the next day.
Between Dillsboro and Dilliard - there is Franklin, North Carolina.
In Franklin, North Carolina, there is the Fun Factory.
Honestly, one of the first places that has ever lived up to its name for me!
First and foremost, it meets my frugal goals for family fun. Upon entering we bought a $25 game card - which came with a bonus $25 on it.
So, one game card, $50 on it.
5 hours later we are trying to use up the last of the money!!!!
We all rode go cards. One of the drivers went very slowly as they had one of our children in the car. The other drive (who shall remain nameless) had one of our children in the car and drove like he was in the Nascar Cup race! I won't share who won the race.
The kids both spent hours in the kid foam factory - so much fun! Let me also share that while the kids were in the fun factory playing - fenced in, and guarded by two grandmothers who took their job seriously, Mommy got to SIT in a chair and READ more than one magazine outside the gates!
Tommy played so many video games that I lost count.
The kids played video games.
I had a coke that I refilled MANY times!
The kids had drinks and dinner.
All paid for with our game card (even the food/drinks).
We left with .15 still on our card!
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