Make new friends,
but keep the old
one is silver
and the other's gold
A circle's round
it has no end
that's how long
I'm going to be your friend!
If you can hum that as you read along, then you remember those glorious days of scouting!
Our troop met this week for the second time in the New Year!
We kicked off our meeting by making cards to give to a non-girl scout friend at school.
We are working on earning our friendly and helpful petal.
We then moved to our daisy circle to official begin our meeting.
We finished our collage from last week - gluing down the pictures we had cut out of people who were friendly or helpful.
We then made a helpful spider web graphic organizer - drawing pictures of all the things we could think of that were examples of being helpful.
We then read the Brownie story (okay so I changed a few words and made it the daisy story for our purposes). Each time we heard the word "helpful" we yelled "HELPFUL" and each time we heard the word "daisy" we yelled "THAT'S ME!"
For those who haven't read it, it tells about secret daisies - creatures that come into your home and do secret helpful things for you.
We then made daisy note cards to leave behind as we strive this week to do secret helpful things for our friends and families!
This week we began our share bag - a canvas tote that goes home each week with one member of our troop. She is to color one thing on the outside (or add an embellishment) - and then bring something back the next week for show and tell.
We ended our meeting with our circle and friendship squeeze.
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