We have enjoyed the last two years at our local Gymboree Play Center. The children have both taken music classes, art classes, play gym classes, as well just gone to act crazy on the padded floors!
In music they love to be an orchestra, each choosing an instrument and playing loudly! They like to dance - Ms. Stephanie always a new twist to an old song. Every three weeks we were exposed to a new genre of music. We ended with our last lesson today with country music (we agreed that the last theme of surf music was much more fun!). They have become more comfortable speaking in front of others with Ms.Sonya's fun microphone games.
In art, Ms. Julie is our most favorite! She has that firm mommy love going on! She is always adding a new twist to art making each project something we adore. We like the tactile table - "its tactile time, its tactile time" - each week there is something new for us to touch and explore. We love that art opens with a free art activity - we can do playdough, paint, or explore a medium at our own pace.
This summer we were blessed with Ms.Julie for Gymboree camp as well. Mommy dropped us off (yeah mommy) for 1 hour and 45 minutes of gymbo fun. We did art, we played, we had snack, we listened to stories, basically - we had a blast!
Play gym ranks high as one of our most favorite activities. Each week we enjoy the new set up of the equipment, the new theme of pretend. Ms.Michele always has cool stuff in her "what's in my big blue bag" game.
We have loved our teachers - some have come and gone, others have remained our whole time.
As the children go off to school this year, and venture into new extra curricular activities (Xander will play soccer, Mikaela will do ballet and girl scouts) it is time for us to say goodbye to Gymboree, for now.
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