401.02 miles from us to Nana Barbaras.
Picture it -
two kids, two car seats, two trays, two sippy cups, two must have toys, two must have loveys, one pacifier, two DVD screens, one movie
Nine hours
We made it - barely!
Nana Barbara was so happy to see us! She had worked so hard for our arrival. Dinner was already made (BBQ chicken - a fave of our family, fresh corn on the cob). A newly baked cake waited for us to help ice - YUMMY!
We celebrated the kids birthdays with cake and presents.
Great call on both gifts Nana Barbara:). The girly nightgown with matching robe would be worn nightly by Mikaela ALL week. The AWESOME Diego legos would be played with multiple times daily our whole trip, and promptly upon our arrival home - would be spread out all over our living room and be enjoyed by not only the children, but the daddy too!
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