We took a deep breath - and dove right into our first family vacation. Just the four of us. One hotel room. Three days, two nights - one three hour car ride two ways. Okay - so sometimes when you do the math, you might not call it a vacation.
We left Friday mid day for Chattanooga, Tennessee. We arrived at our hotel, The Chattanoogan, around 3:00 in the afternoon. We no sooner had dropped our bags when two young people voted unanimously to try out the indoor swimming pool. For those of us who remember swim lessons from last year (two kiddos crying, one choking me), I was totally caught off guard when our princess got in and swam under water! Of course she stayed within a hands reach of the wall, and could touch in the lower end of the pool - but no more baby blowing bubble stuff for her! She swam and swam and swam!
Evil Knievel - do first, think second - still afraid of the water. He still cried and clung to my neck. He warmed a little (literally) in the smaller jacuzzi - but no going under water for him. We did get a few bubble blowing moments. We ended our day Friday and Saturday with afternoon swims.
Our hotel was about ten blocks out from the aquarium. We rode the shuttle everywhere we went (except Rock City). The kids loved it - no car seats:). Saturday night we experienced a musical ride as some local flavor sang to the kids. They even knew a few Dora ones - there are surprises everywhere it seems!
Friday night we arrived at the shuttle boarding site and the bottom fell out - by the time the shuttle came, we rode it, and then walked the three blocks to dinner - we were soaked! It was so much fun. The kids jumped in puddles - drank rain water - had a blast.
Friday night we had dinner at the Cheeburger Cheeburger - 75 flavors of milkshakes in a 1950's style diner. Cheeseburgers for all! Definitely fries with that.
Saturday night we also took the shuttle and ate at the famous Sticky Fingers. Even Xander ordered BBQ - and was covered in the 6 different varieties of sauce they offer!
The kids loved the hotel room - who wouldn't like us all four sleeping together in one room? You knew the downside to vacationing was coming right? Friday night, two tired parents, long drive, big swim, big wet outing, two very excitable overtired children - no rest for the weary. They took turns waking all night - after we finally got them to sleep! Saturday both kiddos slept - but mom and dad weren't used to sleeping with little feet in their backs or heads on their head!
All in all - very worth it! Just don't call for a few days - we may be sleeping:)!!!!
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