We had a blast at Vacation Bible School this year. Our church,
Centerhill Baptist Church, decided to have family vacation bible school. Tommy, or I, took the kids each night. Our family was members of the Tribe of Judah (bright orange flag with a lion). Our tribe moved through the town of
Galilee, experiencing life as those did during the time of Jesus. We waited all week to see Jesus. We overhead that he had been seen - he even fed thousands with one fish and one loaf of bread!
While we waited, we went to gathering with all the other tribes. There we sang songs, had a welcome prayer, and danced in big circles! After gathering our tribe headed off to do our own tribe business. We went over our lesson of the day. Next, it was off to
synagogue for us. Women and men sat
yamikas were worn, and the rabbi taught us about life in the
Xander's favorite stop was the seaside playground. We played ancient games. We went fishing for sea life, raced with baskets of water on our heads, and played ball games.
Mikaela is a true shopper and loved the market place. Each night we worked in a different shop. Some nights we tied ropes or made necklaces from sea shells. Other nights we had harder jobs like sanding boats, or drilling holes in our
We took turns baking bread for our group (check out new family photos for a picture of
Xander kneading our bread on Friday night!). Toward the end, we would go get our bread (in a basket), go to the well and get our water, and join our group to break bread and eat together. Mr.Carl shard with us that in ancient times they always broke the bread before they ate it. This was their way of giving thanks, then after the meal they prayed.
We closed each night with more songs and dancing. On Friday, we did meet Jesus (our very own preacher, Brother David dressed up). He shared his good news with us.
We all had a blast!