We do a lot of carpool - we take Mikaela to school, then either come home or go to the park, then we take the little kids crew to preschool, ....insert Mommy working or running errands or volunteering.....
then, I pick up the little kids crew (Xander, and the two children I keep) and bring them home.
then, we go back out to pick up Mikaela, drop off our two extra babies.........
So, many of my most interesting conversations take place in a mini van.
X: When will Daddy be home today?
Me: About 4:00 - he has detention duty today.
X: Is detention inciting?
Me: Do you mean exciting?
X: yes...inciting...is detention INCITING?
Me: No.
X: Why would you want to stay for detention then? What is it?
Me: Well, detention is where kids who don't listen to their teacher and do all their work have to stay after school. They don't get to home when everyone else does. They stay at school and sit quietly.
X: Why doesn't daddy just be a good listener?
Me: Xander, daddy doesn't have detention - he is the teacher for the detention students.
X: Maybe all those kids just like daddy a lot like us, and want to spend more time with him.
Me: .....I don't think so - but I love how you are always thinking!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Great Big Brownie Smile

I can't tell you about our bridging ceremony - details are top secret.
A secret by the way that is guarded by four six to seven year olds.......
But - May 8th we will kiss daisies goodbye after two great years, and we will bridge to brownies.
What I can tell you is that I will cry - I cried during the first practice yesterday.........and can promise it won't be the last tear I shed over such a special time in my troop!
Moments for Mom

10 I love my Mom because she reads me chapter books
9 I love my Mom because she helps me clean the kitchen
8 I love my Mom when she makes me laugh by her funny jokes
7 I love my mom because she taught me how to open cabinets
6 I love to hear my mom sing "Goodnight Xander"
5 I love my Mom because she finds time to goes to the store with me
4 I know my mom cares because she hugs me
3 I know my mom is smart because she can teach
2 I love my mom because she works so hard at doing laundry
1 I love my mom because she's the best mom ever!
My mom is this tall 5ft
She weighs this much 20 lbs
Her hair feels like soft,
and is this color brown
Her eyes are this color brown
My mom's favorite thing to do is play with me
My mom's favorite thing to eat is meat.
I love my mom because she hugs me!
Easter at Nana's
Easter Morning

Little people were up early - peeking into the living room, seeing if the Easter bunny had come. The Easter bunny has already decided that next year he will be leaving the loot in the dining room.
The bunny was quite generous to our children this year. Perhaps he knew that the children's father just couldn't wait until their summer birthdays for the arrival of new Wii games, that he really wanted to play them now. Perhaps he knew that the children's father also adores playing Ben 10 and Bibleman super hero action figures with Xander and that they shouldn't wait until his summer birthday for such great gifts. (The Easter bunny was not on the same frugal plan as I, but hey.......).
Xander and Mikaela raced around the house to find the hidden eggs - especially after Xander exclaimed "HEY - there's real money in here"!!!!! Mikaela was doing the math as she found the eggs ".25 - now I have .50 - here's another one 0 .75!" - makes her math teacher mommy, so proud!
Resurrection Rolls

Nothing is yummier in taste or sweet message than our annual Resurrection rolls.
Each year the children understand more and more the true meaning of Easter - Easter beyond the egg hunts, easter bunny, Easter beyond the pretty dresses and fancy shoes.
This year Xander was so excited - he looked in his newly baked roll and exclaimed "He's not there Mommy - Jesus is GONE."
To which his oh so smart sister replied "XANDER - duh...Jesus melted."
The kids sharing about their Resurrection eggs - Mikaela's eggs are from her 4 year old preschool class - Xander made his first set of eggs this year!
Dying Easter Eggs

Tommy hates to be messy - no play dough, no sand, no paint. I know what your thinking - good thing for my kids that he married me - queen of messy stuff:)!
Every year, he participates in my egg dying fun. I wouldn't say begrudgingly, but it's definitely never his idea!
This year we made.....super hero eggs. Yes - dyed in all the superman colors of red, blue and yellow!
Egg Hunt at the Gackle Home
Go MuckDogs - Game Two!

I have never been a big fan of sports. I am definitely not big on playing them myself, and have always been sort of anti watching them as well. Most sports involve grown men, a ball and a lot of repetitive action...same thing over and over and over again.
I will confess to liking watching hockey - but only in person. First - usually cute boys, mostly with long hair........always action - someone is usually doing something I don't expect - and the games don't take all day - hockey time is real time (unlike that 30 seconds in football that can take two days).
BUT, I am truly surprised at the joy I find in watching t-ball. If you haven't been to a t-ball game lately - let me send you a schedule!
There is comedy - in this game, boys batted and ran to 3rd instead of first, sandcastles (quite interesting ones) were built in between 2nd and 3rd base, children had whole conversations with their mommy about snack.......from 1st base, and let's not forget that little boy that went after the ball right after it was hit, caught it and yelled "Coach Bobby - I got it" - only problem, he was wearing a batting helmet and supposed to be running home!
There is sappy moments worthy of a good drama movie - nothing is cuter than tiny people in uniform, little girls with pink batting helmets, pink gloves (that change colors if they catch the ball), pink bats - and sometimes- pink fairy wings over their red/black uniform - or at the very least ribbons on their socks, kids that get so excited when they hit the ball that forget to run to 1st base opting instead to yell "Daddy - I hit it!", proud fathers on cell phones in the bleachers sharing "he hit it - without the tee - you should have been here!"
There are coaches who normally coach teenagers who follow directions - who now are chasing four year olds around attempting to get someone to play 3rd base without running off the field toward the playground. Coaches trying not to get hit by the bat because - well, they are four and they swing with all they've got, with no particular skill. Coaches who try to pitch to people with a strike zone with the width of a pencil - and who move when they are batting. Coaches who love their kids and donate their time - and who at the end of the night are just proud papas (yes, our daddy is one of those!).
So as not to miss my chance to boast - yes, our kid hit the ball from the pitch - and played first base. Never was a four year old more ready to tag someone out - especially since no one on our team knows that you can throw to first!
The Bunk Beds and Silly Pajama Days
Lunch at Big School

Xander and I opted to not picnic and freeze with his class, but instead have lunch with sissy at big school (in the warm cafeteria!).
He was so excited - we packed his Thomas the Tank Engine lunch box with a pbj sandwich, grapes, and goldfish - and juice in his thermos!
We signed in at the office, got our fancy visitor stickers, and waited in the lobby for Mikaela's class.
Mikaela was "sure surprised" she said!
Xander's Egg Hunt

I'm beginning to think that it wouldn't be a Bright Beginnings Preschool egg hunt if we weren't all wearing winter coats!
Xander and I enjoyed his 4 year old class egg hunt at Walnut Grove Park. We took Mikaela to school, and treated ourselves to a waffle house breakfast - yummy, hash browns scattered.....a little music on the juke box (April you will thrilled to know that I am teaching the children to dance in Waffle and Huddle Houses now! - the legacy must continue). Xander played Taylor Swift's "Picture to Burn" - so waffle house
Then off to the egg hunt!
Xander was assigned 6 - with a line under it!
He found all 14 eggs while I shivered.
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