Our daisy troop is working on their "Be a Reader" patch this month. We have talked about different kinds of books, what makes a good story, wrote our own stories, and shared our favorite books.
Last week we had a guest speaker - Mikaela's Daddy! come speak to us. He shared with us an oral story:
What can I say?2008 has left us and we are now full throttle into 2009.You have provided your mother and me with some fantastic memories from this past year.
You are most definitely the best dressed kid at Pre-K.You are very passionate about making sure that your shirt is “fancy” and is tucked in at all times.You have your teachers in awe as you strut around the campus in your cool Newsboy Caps, and recently you’re insisting on wearing your blazer everywhere and are begging me to get you a tie.
I’m also very pleased with how much you enjoy listening to stories.We are now reading chapter books before bedtime and you do an excellent job of keeping up with the action.My favorite activity is a new one from this past year where we read a chapter book and then go see the movie.This is something that I’ve enjoyed doing for a very long time, and I am thrilled that we can now share in this.
I know these activities with books will serve you well as you continue to learn more sight words and grasp how phonics helps you with reading.Before you know it, you will be reading books all by yourself.
On the athletic side of things, you are showing more and more interest in wrestling and martial arts.I hope this continues, because these two sports did a wonder in shaping my life and I hope that we can share in these activities as a whole family.I think that you will enjoy learning about wrestling and martial arts, as well as grow an appreciation to the type of person they help you to become.
We did a lot of things together this past year.We have read and learned new things, as well as traveled to Disney World.I can’t wait to see what 2009 has waiting for us, especially because I know that we will be experiencing this next year together as a family.
We have now entered 2009, leaving behind all measurable characteristics of 2008.And while our calendars and clocks are now venturing into a new year, the memories from 2008 are still, and will always, remain vivid in my mind.
Let’s begin with your accomplishment that reigns supreme in my mind-your reading and writing skills.I am so very happy that you love to read like your mother and me.I can’t believe how quickly you seemed to have grasped the art of stories.You have a real grasp for how characters are involved with the plot.You are even getting to be a very good story teller of your own. When I tuck you in at night, we have discussions on how the protagonist needs a better challenge in the plot.I love these talks with you.
While your mother is an avid reader, she is most proud of your accomplishments in math.Even Mrs. Herrick, your first grade teacher, has commented on how you can easily understand new mathematical concepts.This usually transpires into the games you play. You will develop a show and then calculate how many tickets you need to sell and at what price people will pay.You are really using your head.
I have also enjoyed all of the fun games we’ve played over the last year.You became very interested in checkers for a time, and we’ve just begun playing Clue and Battleship.I enjoy this time together as well because we can just hang-out and talk.
Let us not forget how quickly you are growing up.Your favorite thing to do is put on make-up and fancy clothes.You always look so sophisticated with your nails done and your lip gloss, especially now that your ears are pierced.This will come in handy as you pursue your chosen career path of Rock-Star/Teacher/Writer.
We’ve had such a wonderful 2008 together, and I can’t wait to see what 2009 will bring us.
during my birthday dinner out at Red Robin, Xander: "Why is he waiting on THAT table? He is our waiter!!!!"
M: "I was SO close to being an only child. OR, I could have had a sweet sister like you Preslie."
Mommy: Xander, Next weekend we are getting your new bunk beds. Aren't you excited?" Xander: "Yeah, man - that is going to be cool." Mommy: "Now you can sleep in your own bed all night - in your big boy bunk beds." Xander: "Mommy - I was thinking we could get two bunk beds - then we would have four beds - and we could all sleep in my room." Mommy: "Xander, you are going to sleep in your bunk beds all by yourself - because you are so big now!" Xander: "That wasn't what I was thinking."
As we exited the "Kickin Christmas" show at Stone Mountain, I commented to Tommy that I was really surprised to see a religious reference in the show (they talked about the true meaning of Christmas being the birth of Jesus and sang "Let there be Peace"). Xander said "Mommy - Stone Mountain probably read it in the bible - it is a good book. It's in there."
Mikaela: Today at school in the lunchroom, I swallowed a cherry seed. Jacob said "Oh no you swallowed a cherry seed. You're going to die in one second." and I said "1 - AHHHHH - I'm still breathing." Xander: Did you die Sissy? (very concerned) Mikaela: HELLO (in the snottiest voice) Xander: Oh.
Xander (when speaking to Santa answering the "what do you want for Christmas question): I want a woman to clean my room.
Mikaela: I'm smarter than you. Xander: I'm smarter than you because I know all about dog bones and dinosaur bones. Mikaela: I'm smarter than you because I can read 2.3 to 3.0 books. Xander: (Silence)
The Pajama Song
The Pajama Song Written and Performed by......The Daddy
Hey there baby It's the end of the day Time to get dressed in our own special way
It's pajama time Hey - Hey, It's Pajama Time
We've had night time treat and a game of Yahtzee
It's Pajama time Hey - Hey, It's Pajama Time
Hey there baby while momma's away she's at the store and the baby'es will play
It's pajama time Hey - Hey, It's pajama time
We sing and dance we strut and prance while in our pajama's
Dad - Tommy - teacher/coach/graduate student/video game player/ipod listener. Mom - Michele - caregiver, teacher/writer/reader. Daughter - Mikaela- pre-k student/reader!!!/writer!!!!!/imaginator Xander - two year old student/picture reader/outdoor enthusiast!!!